Have you ever had a teacher, coach or mentor that inspired you to the very core? One that cheered you on to achieving your big dreams and goals with the biggest heart, joy and fire?
Each and every day, our team of Pediatric Ninja Specialists, Instructors and Coaches serve our community knowing full well that our purpose is to support, guide and nurture today’s youth in living their best lives!
Proud Ninja Parent, we know you want the absolute best for your child and that you too are cheering them on every step of the way towards achieving sure victory. But what happens when your child encounters a challenge, a mountain in the face of their progress? How can parents be allies to their kiddos when you find them wrestling with doubt in their ability to finish strong?
Step #1: Time for a gut check!
When our children face physical challenges that lead to a question of their ability to keep going, striving towards their next goal and earning the win they have been fighting for, it is important for both parents and kiddos to take a step back and consider the dynamics of the crossroads. It is gut check time! Some things to consider:
1. How is my child doing?
2. Have you noticed a change in their physical well-being as of late related but not limited to appetite, sleep patterns, activity level?
3. What is on my child’s life plate right now? Is there balance or overfill and overflow?
Other questions, cues may need to be considered. But from this assessment, parents and coaches alike can glean insight into the root of the doubt being felt.
Lack of motivation, doubts in one’s ability to succeed are merely symptoms attempting to mask a deeper root issue!
Step #2: Dig Deep!
If after considering the big picture you find that a lack of motivation is influencing your child’s underlying doubt, ability to finish strong, then it is time to dig deeper and be the parent your child needs you to be in supporting them to stay the course!
Motivation is not something our children are born with in most cases. Are there the anomalies, the children who are born with a drive to compete on a very intense, high level and one day professionally? Absolutely! But even the best of the best, even us as parents in our day-to-day life, we all have our moments when we feel like our fire isn’t burning as hot and/or our drive is less than stellar.
Some things to consider if lack of motivation is playing a part in your child’s doubt to see a mission through:
1. What are the conversations, feelings, sentiments being shared about the challenge(s) before your child? Are you noticing a thread of negative cognitions, “I’ll never be good enough,” “I am not strong enough” or “Everyone is getting it but me!”
2. Taking the first question a step further, how are you supporting the conversations, feelings and sentiments? Is a light being shined upon the good, positive, well-done strides of progress you have witnessed on their way towards crossing the finish line?
Or do you find yourself stuck with your child in a posture of what is not going right on repeat?
3. Is there intentional space being created before it is time to train to set the mind up for success? Or are there perhaps strong distractions like playtime on technology that have become more appealing in the moment, pulling away from the goal to be accomplished?
The inner monologue we preach to ourselves often becomes our truth.
So let what we speak about ourselves and what is spoken over our children be seasoned with Love, Light and Encouragement!
Step #3: We’ve Got Your Back!
Proud Ninja Parent, as you well know, we are very passionate about ensuring that the whole child is supported in anything and everything that we do. When you see that your child is struggling to finish strong, is wrestling with their abilities or is expressing thoughts of self-doubt, we are here and we have your back!
No child or parent should ever walk through the challenges of life alone. Further, no child should ever feel as though they cannot succeed and win in whatever goals, dreams and aspirations have been put upon their hearts.
This is why we welcome your conversation, communication and collaboration. Because it takes a village to raise a child! We know that at every level of our SKILLZ Strong Programming, each and every one of our ninjas are going to face new physical challenges that also test their minds and spirits. Why? Because they are going to face tests of the mind, body and spirit in the real world someday, if not already. And it is our passion, mission and drive to ensure that each and every one of our ninjas is equipped with the tools of success to face any obstacles or challenges that come their way with amazing success.
There is no limit, no cap on the potential of what our children are capable of achieving in their lives. Each and every one of us are witnesses to the most amazing stories of heart, courage, strength and perseverance within our children every single day. May you be encouraged as you go forward today knowing that there is a great tribe of support surrounding you and your child!
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